Self – Happiness Survey!

Open one palm of your hand, and….

Read through the following and fold a finger for every option you agree with , in each section.

(PS : after each section, open your palm again and continue, for each of the 5 questions asked)

Section A

  1. I feel that I am not good enough/productive enough /competent enough .
  2. I feel I need to prove myself to people I love and care, so that they love me back.
  3. I am unhappy with the ways things are happening in my life right now.
  4. I feel life is unfair to me.
  5. I decide or choose based on how happy my people (family & friends) are with my choice/decision.

Look at how many fingers you have folded. If you have folded three or more fingers, you should probably seek to “Book a Session” with us. You seem to be struggling with certain thought process and patterns, which are not allowing you to live your life to the Fullest!

Section B

  1. I Procrastinate a lot!! (I want to change this)
  2. I feel guilty about not giving my best/putting enough efforts into something.
  3. I cannot seem to keep/maintain a routine.
  4. I know what I need to do, but I am unable to do it (I lack motivation/inspiration to do it)
  5. I feel that I have good potential, but I am not successful yet.

Look at how many fingers you have folded. If you have folded three or more fingers, you should probably seek to “Book a Session” with us. You seem to be struggling with certain Behavioral patterns and habits . You might also be influenced by certain deep rooted faulty subconscious ideas and beliefs; which you have picked up growing up, and now it is the unconsciously sabotaging your efforts to grow and shine.

Section C

  1. I feel fatigued or mentally tired all the time.
  2. I feel like leaving everything and running away somewhere.
  3. I cannot seem to forgive /forget people and all the nasty things they did to me/made me feel.
  4. My health is my major concern, I feel stuck because of health problems.
  5. I have a lot of fear in me. – about various things , and this stops me from doing/trying certain things I like.

Look at how many fingers you have folded. If you have folded three or more fingers, you should probably seek to “Book a Session” with us. You seem to be struggling with certain mind and emotional blocks. Sometimes, the pressures and stress of the mind is converted into a physical illness/problem. Holistic healing and Counselling will help clear the mental and emotional stress, restoring good health – physically and mentally!

If you are (still or maybe..)confused about what you require and how to go about it, choose to chat with our executive – Counsellor for free!

 WhatsApp us NOW!– (Click Here to “Book a Session” – Procedure)

Sample : WhatsApp conversation

You : Hello I am XYZ,

The NewAge Therapist : Hello XYZ, How can I Help you?

You : I am unsure what I need, but I feel like I need a consultation. help?

The NewAge Therapist : Sure! Tell Me More…

Before anything else, Let me remind you that you are speaking with a Trained Psycho-Spiritual Wellness Counsellor. Your chat with us is FREE, and completely Confidential.

You : ok, (Explain your confusion/issue)

The NewAge Therapist : Dear XYZ, Don’t worry, we can try this____________ ok? And, it will help you with _______.

Just Remember……You Deserve to Happy! and you are a Click away from making things Better!

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